Many financial institutions offer various types of loans by saying they are offering lowest rate of interest and are loan friendly but they actually fool the Salaried and Self-employed Businessmen, its majorly observed globally and is a known fact that a Loan seeker/Loan applicants normally forecloses/pays-off his loan in the half of the tenor availed by him/her as he/she progress in future after the loan disbursement, they often initially chooses longer tenors to keep their monthly instalments as low as possible but this is where they are trapped by these financial institution, who enjoys making billions from million Loan-seekers as they operate on monthly reducing balance method to calculate their loan interest.
You will be surprised to know that there are many tailor made loan schemes for the benefit of Loan-seekers but they rarely pitched, as it would be a huge interest loss to them and there are less rewards kept on the same to discourage their sales teams from selling such product. Now here where we play our major role to make fresh loan-seekers understand on how to save their hard-earned money without charging them any fees.
Our intention is not to create fear in you but to make you aware and guide you correctly through loan process, we will be even happy to process your loan requirements whether you need new or need assistance in transferring your existing Loan facility for better rate and loan enhancement.
When a consumer fails to pay their Home Loan/other Loans monthly instalment they are given verbal threat by third party collection agencies that if monthly instalments are not paid on time they shall start reporting the same to CIBIL and various credit rating agencies who are nearly acting as decision makers now-a- days for loan approval, this causes Lot of stress to various types of loan seeker be it salaried or self-employed as a result the they avail more loans at high interest to pay-off their principle lenders, resulting to what we are suffering millions of NPA/Loan defaulter today. We even have helped and guided many Loan seekers to approach right desk of financial institutions where they were heard and supported with further timeline extension to pay off their dues. We have supported them through proper means by getting their loan re-structured whenever they have suffered business loss or Emi delay mainly caused due to late payment creditors/debtors. We believe in educating our clients by meeting them 3 to 4 times in a year just to know if any assistance in terms of understanding loan repayments etc. In financial crisis of our clients we act a bridge between our clients and financial institution in their mutual interest.
Complete transparency and no malpractices policy has been followed in these number of years which has resulted to nearly zero complaints till date. We are even in the process of building a Mobileapp which will give a complete track on your loan process and through which we shall send you market updates.
Our fees refund policy Cleary states that even if we charge an advance fee from our clients the same shall be refunded in case they said assignment is not completed within the time frame stated through our official mail id only. We do not charge any fees from our clients unless they need our professional assistance while dealing with their financial lenders to re-structure their existing loans or if they want to avail fresh funds at lowest lending rate, through us you shall be safeguarded yourself from unnecessary rate hikes done from these financial institution to increase their profit margin, for this type of requirements our Most Valuable Product “Money savers- The YNS” will assist you as we negotiate in Bulk (details mentioned in our Product page). We have negotiated more 670 Loans till date, we can manage loan deals in range of 20 lacs to 70cr with their existing principle lenders & by this method we saved them from becoming defaulter by lowering their interest burden.